Animal Communication & Equine Healing Sessions
I, Anne Scharlow or Anne Scharlow, am not, nor claim to be, a veterinarian or health care provider, and cannot diagnose or prescribe treatments for your animal companion(s). I can, however, relay symptoms and information from your pets, horses and animal companions that may be useful for your vet and treating providers.
Any information provided during/after sessions should not be used as a substitute for medical advice. Always consult a licensed medical or veterinary practitioner for medical care.
As with any healing professionals, I cannot make any guarantees, but will always in good faith follow ethical standards and practice guidelines. Pets, horses and animal companions will always have the option or choice of free will as any living being does.
All animal communication & healing sessions, information shared, and workshops are meant to facilitate the overall well-being of an animal & understanding between the animal and the guardian.
All written materials, lectures, discussions, question and answer sessions, references to other modalities, products, and practitioners are means to provide information through our session consultations and workshops. At no time is the information provided meant to replace licensed medical treatment, veterinary care, or a medical diagnosis for illness or injury of your animals, horses and pets.
I am not here to tell your animal(s) to stop behaving in a certain way, however, I am here to listen and look at the situation from your animals point of view and use my skills as mediators to negotiate the best choices for a happy animal family and better animal wellness.
Any use of information provided within the session is at the client’s discretion and risk.
Anne Scharlow cannot be held responsible for any loss, claim or damage arising out of the use, or misuse, of the suggestions made and / or the failure to take medical advice.
Gene Keys Spiritual Guidance
This session is a personal journey of self-exploration, using a contemplative practice. As your Guide, I am fully responsible for running this Profile session, Study group, Workshop, Retreat or Event, and any guidance or support I am giving you is to assist your own journey of self-discovery. I too remain a student of Gene Keys and I am neither a teacher nor a trainer. Your participation in this session is your acceptance that I do not provide any type of psychological, therapeutic support or other professional advice. You accept that you are fully responsible for your own well-being, choices and actions. I shall not be liable for any physical, psychological, emotional, financial, or commercial decisions or damages you may incur after attending this event. Any information or data shared with me prior or during the sessions, or any events, is in strict confidence and will not be shared, published or otherwise used for my or anyone else’s benefit or be stored or filed in any system against your expressed wishes.
Workshops / Seminars / Clinics
Indemnity Form – please download and return to
With any booking you automatically acknowledge and accept this disclaimer.
2024 by Anne Scharlow